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Ocean Life News in Brief: June-10-2014

World Celebrates World Oceans Day
Thousands of organizations and hundreds of celebrations and events set date June 8th for the celebration and commemoration of World Oceans Day.

Fiji Steps up to Modern Times with Climate Change Adaptation Program
Government of Fiji is working on adaptation to climate change program to safeguard the breathtaking environment, development and local communities. Region is home to 300 islands, volcanos, thousands of species and over 870 thousand local residents.

10 Million USD Donated for Meso-American Reef Conservation
Local press of the Caribbean reported that the Fund for World Environment has made a donation of 10 million USD for the conservation of the Meso-American Reef. The reef is homed in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and México.

Brazil Bombinhas Traditional Artisan Fishing Tainha Season
The artisan fishing season of Tainha in Brazilian Southern city of Bombinhas in the state of Santa Catalina do Sur is at its peak. The season is expected to last until August. Traditional fishing techniques are utilized every year.

Margalef Docked at Spain for OpenTours
The ship of the Oceanographic Institute of Spain “Margalef” is at docks and opened for visitors to tour the technology which makes the exploration of ocean depths possible. The ship is considered one of the most technological ships of Europe.

IEO Spain Reveals Superficial Water Temperature Rates
Researchers of the Institute of Oceanography of Spain IEO and the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria are conduction complex experimentation on oceanic waters and revealed that superficial waters heat 0.16% per decade since 1997.

Medusa Proliferation Studied Internationally for Impacts
International scientists are trying to understand why medusas are proliferating and generating impacting on the environment and ocean sectors.

World Weather Turns to Pacific Ocean for Cyclone Probabilities
Ocean and world weather organizations are vigilant on the Pacific Ocean where meteorological conditions see the formation of storms, depressions and the increased the probability of cyclone formation.

Cousteau Grandson to Spend 31 Days Underwater
The grandson of Jacques Cousteau –Fabien Cousteau initiated an ocean expedition and investigation which will take him on a 31 day journey of underwater exploration and discovery.

Oceans Provide Environmental Service of 236 Billion USD per Year
A new study of the World Ocean Commission revealed that the Ocean provides eco-environmental services valued in over 238 billion USD per year. Value was attributed to world fishing and carbon absorption.

Scientists Say Ocean Acidification Levels Peak to Highest since 56 Million Year Period
A study published in Paleoceanography by US scientists assure that the acidification levels of the ocean have peaked to a high last recorded 56 million years ago in an Era of world climate change.

Floating Skyscraper in Pacific Ocean Aims to Purify the Oceans
A project of the South Korean designer Sung Jin Cho with awards in engineering and construction is highlighted as an “ambitious project that could purify the Pacific Ocean”. The project is hydroelectric floating central which could recycle plastic and filter the oceans water. Named SEAWER the project is also the first floating skyscraper.
UNESCO Presents Platform Ocean and Climate 2015
UNESCO presented the Ocean Platform and 2015 Climate in motive of the World Day of the Oceans.