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Ecuador Says Galapagos is Safe after Ship Emergency

   Isalnds of Galapagos, Ecuador main location for marine biodiversity as three ocean currents converge.

On June Risk Management of Ecuador assured that “Galapagos is Safe” after the environmental Emergency declared caused by the grounding of the Ship Galapaface I in early May. Activities on the Islands continue normally without being affected. The ship has become a “tourist-spot” for photo taking.

Local press of Ecuador reported on June on the developments of the actions of emergency. Press assured that it is the policies of the Islands which keep the environment safe. Galapagos conservation and management policies are fit not only for ship sinister but work continually to study climate change impacts, tsunamis, global temperature increase, impacts due to events such as El Niño and other issues affecting the marine reserve.

The 19 Islands have become top chosen location for scientists, volunteers and tourists who go in search of “the living museum which showcases evolution” visited by Charles Darwin in 1835.

Due to its location in the midst of three ocean currents marine species in the island include Penguins Spheniscus mendiculus, Non-Flying Cormorant Phalacrocorax harrisi, Green Pacific Turtle Chelonia mydas and others species including Tunas, Cods, Giant Manta-Rays and Sharks. 

Shark species found in the island include Blacktip Sharks, Hammer Heads, Whale sharks and Tiger Sharks. Environment authorities, foundation, organizations and volunteers study, monitor and conduct investigations continually in the island which include information on impacts, value, overfishing, census of population, behavior, evolution and adaptation.

Risk Management assured that the ship which caused the emergency is now targeted by tourists who want to photograph the unique event. Meanwhile on land, underwater and on ground authorities take to the actions of clean-up to avoid environmental damages.

Populations of land organisms, and marine organisms, seals, turtles, sharks and sea lions are being monitored and said to be unaffected. The ship which transported chemical liquids and diesel is under a operation of removal of hazards liquids by local professional divers. The ship is also expected to be moved from where it stands and the area reevaluated. Divers of National Park Galapagos DPNG, Ministry of Environment MAE and Darwin Foundation will continue assessing environmental impacts if any.