Ocean Life News in Brief: August-01-2014
Peru Expands Tuna Capture Areas Beyond Jurisdictional Waters
Peru obtained approval to expand capture tuna and like species throughout the entire areas of the Oriental Pacific Ocean breaking limits from jurisdictional waters.
Seismic Activity in Easter Island Triggers Alerts
Seismic activity triggered alarms in the Eastern Island. The event´s epicenter was set at location 475 kilometers west of the island. Tsunami alerts were not given out for coastal areas.
Giant Anchovy Shoal Sighting Leads to “Danger” Frenzy
A Giant Anchovy Shoal was sighted and reported by press who assured that the school of fish was large enough to be “dangerous”.
Giant Medusa Found on Queensland Australia
In Australia Queensland a strange medusa was discovered. The specie is considered to be a giant spanning tentacle lengths over 1 meter. Its body color is fluorescence violet.
New Amazon Dolphin Specie Discovered
A new study assures that a new species of dolphin shares the water with the pink dolphin of Amazonas. The study warns that the specie could disappear soon.
New Whale Hydric Artic Specie Discovered Navigating the Artic
DNA samples of whales have revealed a new hybrid whale dwelling in the Artic.
“Only 1% of Micro-organisms are Known,” Salamanca University Researcher Says
Researcher of the Mexican University of Salamanca Martha Trujillo assured that “only 1% of microorganisms living on earth are known to human kind”. Trujillo added that microorganisms are the most numerous organisms on Earth. Colombia Researcher Margarita Buitrago highlighted the importance of oceanographic studies.
Mexico CONAPESCA Bans Blue-Fin-Tuna Fishing for the Rest of 2014
Mexico National Commission of Aquiculture and Fishing CONAPESCO ordered the suspension of fishing activities for the capture of blue-fin tuna for what remains of the year. Measure was taken to prevent capture-quota excess set at 5 thousand tons.
Mexico “Sea Walls Murals” for the Oceans
Sea Walls Murals for Oceans an urban art project is promoting the reflection on today´s ocean situation in Mexico. The project is driven by the organization PANGEA-SEED and takes place in the Isla de Mujeres and Cancun.
Barnacle Market on the Rise in Spain
Barnacle market is on the rise in Spain as the resource is considered a delicacy around the world. Local artisan producers are making the best of the sector.
UICN Expert Says Oceans 30% More Acid than 200 Years Ago
Vice-President of marine issues of the World Commission of Protected Areas of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature UICN, expert Dan Loffeley, assures that the ocean are warming up and are 30% more acid than they were 200 years ago.
ROV Expedition Discovers Pacific Ocean Creature
US Science group have discovered in California Monterey a strange animal below waters of the Pacific Ocean in a ROV expedition.
Largest Volcano on Earth Discovered Below Waters of the Pacific
A new discovery in the Pacific Ocean has registered the largest volcano on Earth inactive for the past 140 million. The volcano measures over 310 thousand square kilometers and spans 650 kilometer wide.
New Study Reveals Glacier Era Intensity
A new study assures to have comprehended why glacier areas were more intense 900 thousand years ago.
Caribbean Ocean as Seen from International Space Station Revealed
The photography of Astronaut Reid Wiseman of the US Space Agency of the Caribbean Ocean seen from the International Space Station is being highlighted by the press. Images were taken on July 15th.
Climate Change Food Shortage Affects Sea Lions of Southern Hemisphere
Shortage of food caused by climate change is reducing the population of sea lions in the Southern Hemisphere.