Ocean Life News in Brief: October-01-2014
James Cook Australia University Study on Larvae Migration Calls for Inter-Niche Importance
A new study of the Center ARC of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies CORAL-CoE revealed that larvae of clown fish navigate up to 400 kilometers in search of home before establishing lifetime residency in reef environments. The study published at PLOS ONE and coauthored by Doctor Hugo Harrison of the James Cook Australia University indirectly calls for importance of marine corridors and ecological inter-niche environmental ecology relationships.
Africa Zanzibar “The Rock” Transforms Fishermen Refuges in Iconic Restaurant
International tourism press highlight the unique restaurant of Zanzibar “The Rock” located in a reformed refugee used in the past by fishermen –a rock island surrounded by ocean. The rock island has been transformed to serve up to a dozen tables and has become an icon of Africa´s Zanzibar ocean gourmet.
Golden Ray Migration Photographed in Mexico California Coast
Photographer Florian Schulz on expedition through the Gulf of California in Mexico encountered unexpectedly over thousands of golden rays migrating in the coasts of Mexico. Golden Rays can travel in groups of up to 10 thousand. Golden Cownose rays are found throughout Centro American waters in great numbers. Unlike Manta Rays which have evolved in different directions cownose rays possess stingers which despite being equipped with low toxic venom should be considered extremely dangerous for unexperienced divers.
Ocean Primary Producers Evolving to Acidification and Temperature Increase
A new study led by German Scientists assures that marine algae can evolve with sufficient speed to face the changes imposed to the environment by climate change. The study focused on acidification and temperatures linked to the global phenomena. Highlights of the study include phytoplankton Emiliana huxleyi main source of nourishment for marine and ocean food trophic chains.
Spain Top Ocean Research Says Plastic Island is Myth and Oceans Home 30% More Fish
Spain Spanish National Research Council CSIC concluded after a 9 million USD expedition coordinated by the Biologist Carlos Duarte that the “plastic island” is a myth and that the oceans home 10 to 30% more fish stocks than originally estimated.
Autopsy on Second Giant Antarctic Squid to be Captured Proves Unique Anatomy
Scientist in New Zealand conducted an autopsy on a giant squid weighing 350 kilos and measuring 3.5 meters in span- The individual which was captured last year in Antarctic waters had an unique anatomy and physiology. Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni had three hearts and 35 centimeter diameter eyes. The individual is the second giant Antarctic squid to ever be captured.
OCEANA ROV Expedition Canarias Scans Environment of First Marine National Park of Spain
OCEANA is taking on the second expedition to waters of the Islas Canarias. The crew will utilize ROV technology to explore the ocean environment and substrate submerged bed and floors of the unknown regions. The Government of Spain has a project for the creation of the First Marine National Park of Spain in the region known as El Hierro.
Antarctica Ice-Sheet Environment Homes Life forms Evolving in Extreme Environment
Scientists have discovered a new microbial ecosystem in one of the sub-glacial lakes of the Antarctica. The environment located 800 meters below ice sheets homes over 4 thousand unicellular active species. Due to the extreme conditions of the environment and ice-sheet similarities with outer earth celestial bodies life-forms are being studied under the focus of alien life form possibilities.
Mexican Submarine Hercules Discovers New Siphonophores Key Specie
A team of Mexican Scientists navigating the unmanned submarine Hercules from aboard the explorer ship EV Natulilus have discovered a new species of siphonophores. The specie adds to a list of 175 descriptions of members of the same species. Siphonophores top the food webs of the oceans and are considered key for healthy environments.
“Arctic Ocean Losing Ice,” German AWI Institute States
German scientist of the Institute Alfred Wegener AWI informed that the Arctic Ocean continues to loose ice. The Institute released documentation and details on ice sheets surface, ice yearly registers and rates of loss.
Mexico CONAGUA Tracks Edouardo Upgrading to Hurricane I
CONAGA National Commission of Water of Mexico informed that Edouardo transformed from tropical storm to Hurricane Category I of Saffir-Simpson Scale. Maximum speed registered 140 kilometers per hour with peaks of 165 kilometers per hour.