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Olympic Sail Renegades Grand Slam Barra Grande

PKRA Source and Courtesy. PKRA Tarija Event one of the 10 Pro events per year hosted through the Globe.

Two years since professional kitesurfing athletes saw their doors closed to participating in the 2016 Olympics professional kite-riders keep busy touring the PKRA World Cup, don’t seem to feel left out from ocean sports and see much action. 

PKRA World Tour -with over 10 yearly World Cup events spanning through the continents from Panama to France, Morocco, Spain, Germany, Brazil and even double dates in China reported from the Barra Grande Grand Slam.

On September 18th PKRA reported on Day Two directly from the swells of Barra Grande Brazil. Local Brazilian riders were highlighted by PKRA for their local knowledge of winds and waves, bringing to the Grand Slam a “show-down”.

Day two was the start of the Freestyle main event. PKRA praised the Brazilian Trade Winds which continued strong as expected taking riders from surface to air. By mid-day the Men Division took to the waters riding seven to nine meter kites, with options to “trim down-size down” kites as the day stretched on.

“The level of riding was as intense as in the trials…the Brazilians put on a graceful performance in the harsh conditions but sadly it was to be only the youngster Carlos Mario who would make it through to the next round,” PKRA reported confirming rankings of international kitesurf riders who travelled to Brazil for leadership. 

The Women Division took to the ocean carried by five meter kites. Harsh conditions challenged most of the riders. Local Brazilian rider Dioneia Vieira had the best heat from the ladies posting up a nice “Backmobe” and “Front” to blind in the tricky conditions.

“It’s no surprise to see that the training at her local Brazilian spot Cumbuco has been paying off, it will be interesting to see how she performs tomorrow,” PKRA stated adding promising more to come from Barra Grand Slam which saved the best for the final days of kite-surfing raw and pure competition

Professional Kitesurfers are riding out their chances using fierce Brazilian Trade Winds poised for a shot at World Ranking and World Titles. Christophe Tack and Liam Whaley and talented Brazilian rider Set Teixeira were highlighted by PKRA as those digging into the World ride.

PKRA opened the Barra Grande Grand Slam days after what they described as the “epic close of the Tarifa Pro Kite Tour 2014”.

On September 7th PKRA hosted the eighth and final competition day at Tarija which ended with ranking for Men and Women Freestyle and Big Air results. PKRA keeps international professional kite riders in the ocean waters throughout the entire year organizing back top back World Cup events across the globe.

While the sport continues to break limits of what can and can’t be done with sails –pushing speed limits and continues to gain popularity around the world embodied by new generations it is still remembered by the media for the 2012 Olympic Game Controversy.

In May 2012 course racing style of kitesurfing was announced as a sport for the 2016 Rio Olympics. For some reason organizers aimed to replace in the Olympics windsurfing with kitesurfing. The General Assembly of ISAF looked down on the decision and overturned the ruling.

Independent reported that Branson lead the kitesurfers' revolt as the Olympic chiefs reversed course to leave sport out of Rio 2016. Sir Richard Branson, who propelled himself on to the surfing scene after becoming the oldest man to kitesurf across the English Channel, said it was a "sad day for one of the best entertainment sports in the world".

Kitesurfing remains therefore a non-Olympic sport until 2020 at the earliest, not that young riders care much about that as they get their kicks off in the ocean waters. New sports are rising driven by innovation in design and can be considered new generation water ocean sports. Kitesurfing while having years in the play is still considered an outsider to the local establishment.

“With the wind in Barra Grande only strengthening throughout the day…we hope this will enable the riders to perform at their peak and we’re all excited to see the action un-fold tomorrow,” PKRA reported from Barra Grande Brazil.

The World Cup Professional Kitesurfing organization assures that there is still much more to come for the sport in the next years and much more to come before 2014 comes to an end. PKRA next stop is China with a double date for the Pingtan Kiteboarding World Cup 2014 in Pingtan Island, and the 2014 PKRA Word Tour Haikou Event in breathtaking Hainan Island of China.