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150 Blue Flags Hoisted World Wide “Angels of the Sea”

Blue Flag Location Navagio Beach, Zakynthos, Grecia. One of the selected world wide Blue Flag Sites.
On November 24th the South African Boat-Based-Whale-Watching Association SABBWWA reported that Ocean Odyssey received the Blue Flag Status.Ocean Odyssey posting in their Whale Blog explained that their operation is “Knysna’s only permitted close encounter whale watching”. They describe the Blue Flag award as “prestigious” Status.
Blue Flag reported that over 150 sites were awarded the Blue Flag -world’s leading eco-label, for the 2014 season. Awards were made in the Caribbean, South America, Africa and in the Southwest Pacific by the Blue Flag International Jury on 16 September 2014. "This year, the International Jury was pleased to welcome a new country Trinidad and Tobago -Las Cuevas Beach," Blue Flag reported. 

The Blue Flag is an international award given to beaches, marinas and nature-based boat excursions that meet Standards of Excellence in diverse categories: Environmental Education, Environmental Management, Safety and Security and Water Quality. The Blue Flag Programme is owned and run by the NGO Foundation for Environmental Education FEE.

The International Blue Flag Jury is composed of representatives from the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP, the United Nations World Tourism Organization UNWTO, International Lifesaving Federation ILS, the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN, an Environmental Education expert, the International Council of Marine Industry Associations ICOMIA and FEE. 

More importantly Blue Flags awards highlight and pin down on world ocean maps the most “amazing”, “go-to” locations for international tourists and others interested while working to ensure environmental standards. World travelers who still believe there is much to be discovered and celebrated in the modern ocean worlds when grouped form a grass-rooted sector which moves billions of dollars in eco-tourism.
Locations throughout the entire world are considered –Blue Flags policy seems to be an inclusive international consideration. The organization has given out awards to more than 4000 beaches and marinas in 48 countries across Europe, South Africa, Morocco, Tunisia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada and the Caribbean.

In South Africa the recently internationally recognized Ocean Odyssey continues to keep a clear focus on their work and does not seem to loose track of what is really important. On their lastes update "Angels of the Sea" Ocean Odyssey continues to be amazed by other “invaluable prices” -the majestic display of Humpback Whales. 

"One of the most noticeable physical characteristics of Humpback Whales is their amazingly long pectoral fins, which can reach up to 5 metres in length, the longest limbs of any living animal on land or sea. Their scientific Latin name Megaptera novaeangliae reflects this, with ‘Mega-ptera’ translating as “big-winged,” the organization states. 

Ocean Odyssey describes the display of whales as “fluid, graceful...Angels of the Sea”…"because when they breach they appear like angels above the water’s surface".
"The display of pectoral fin slapping by these whales is pretty remarkable to witness and is often seen during our Ocean Odyssey trips. The whale will swim on its side or back and repeatedly raise its protracted fin into the air and slap it onto the surface of the water. The whales will either just let the fin casually drop or it will exert itself for more impact, resulting in a great big splash," the sole whale wachting operator of the region states. 

Ocean Odyssey applauded the Blue Flag recognition stating that it was a "real cause for celebration and should serve to inspire each of us to conserve our most precious and inspiring natural environment". Ocean Odyssey adds that the Park where they operate hosts several Blue Flag beaches. 

"Knysna itself is hugged by an estuary that is rated as the most significant in terms of biodiversity in the country. Within this estuary is Thesen Island, a Blue Flag marina, and operating from this marina is Ocean Odyssey, one only six Blue Flag whale watching companies in the country," the organization concluded.

“More Blue Flag sites available for the public worldwide means more safety and services, and especially more environmental management, information and education. This is crucial as we need to ensure that the public understands the environment and what they can do to protect it,” Sophie Bachet Granados Blue Flag International Director stated inferring the vital importance of eco-tourism today..

“Trinidad and Tobago has done a lot of work since they started working on the implementation of the Blue Flag programme. Las Cuevas beach is the first fully compliant site in Trinidad, and I am sure, an example for all future sites in Trinidad and Tobago. We are looking forward to seeing the programme develop in the country, as I know new sites are already working to reach full compliance for their next jury in September 2015,” Sophie Bachet Granado of Blue Flag said on the Caribbean location which adds to the list of Blue Flag spots. 

The full list Blue Flag sites for 2014 is available on the international Blue Flag website.