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Ocean Life News in Brief: March-01-2015

Barcelona World Race Skippers Crossing South Pacific Destination Cape Horn 
Barcelona World Race skippers are crossing the south Pacific in aims of reaching and passing the challenging waters of Cape Horn.

UNESCO World Heritage Grand Terre Environment Breaks News  
UNESCO World Heritage location Grand Terre in the New Caledonian archipelago and its crystal water reef environment is highlighted by press due to its rich biodiversity.

SpaceX Dragon Splashes Down in Pacific Ocean 
SpaceX Dragon Capsule took on a successful splashdown in the Pacific Ocean after completing its mission to the International Space Station.

Oceana Urges EU Fisheries Ministers to End Overfishing in 2015
Oceana reminds EU Member States of their obligation to maintain sustainable catch levels in the framework of Common Fisheries Policy, and urges them to close the gap between agreed catch limits and scientific advice. The Agriculture and Fisheries Council (AGRI-FISH) will meet in Brussels on the 15th-16th of December to decide the catch limits of the main commercial fish species in the North-East Atlantic for 2015. 

Asturias Fossil Tree Discovery Speaks of Geological Historical Changes 400 Years Back 
After strong storm and tides hit the Cantabrico beach of Arnao in Asturias experts unearthed fossil trees which date back to over 300 million years ago. Representatives of the University of Paleontology in Oviedo spoke about the finding and changes which the environment over lived in the past 400 years.

UK and US Scientists Team to Reveal Red Tuna Temperature Change Adaptation 
Scientist of the UK University of Manchester working in collaboration with colleagues of the University of Stanford US revealed heart pumping mechanisms utilized by the Red Tuna populations in face of temperature changes. 

Ocean Arqueda Organism Takes Rank as Fastest Living Organism on Earth 
Scientists of the University of Ratisbona Germany have discovered a unicellular organism belonging to the world of the archaedas capable of moving a distance of 500 times its body in just one second. Compared with morphological dimensions and proportions of the Guepardo which travels 110 kilometers per hour the organism now takes the lead as the fastest living organism on Earth.

European ESA Space Plane Prototype Splashed Down in Pacific Ocean 
European Space Agency ESA newly launched special Space Place prototype splashed down in the Pacific Ocean completing steps forward for EU policy in the development of reusable space technology.

Cuba Ranks High in Ocean Land Protected Surface with 20% Protection Status 
Official Media of Cuba communicated a total protected surface of 20% of national territory -figure which elevates the island in world rankings of marine and land area protected surface. 

Ice Breaker Frees a Ship Trapped In the Frozen Ocean
Despite all our advanced shipbuilding and navigation tech, sailing through Arctic or Antarctic waters can still treacherous—as an Australian fishing boat discovered after it got stuck in in the ice this week. Today, the US Coast Guard icebreaker, Polar Star, took to its rescue.

Ocean Carbon Release “Ended Last Ice Age”
BBC reported on the findings of scientists at the University of Southampton which assure that massive carbon gas release ended the last Ice Age. “The gas appears to have been released from the depths of the ocean,” the media reported. Research was published in Nature and reached conclusions based on analysis of chemical signals in the shells of ancient plankton.

SOFAR Ocean "Channel" Allows Whale Sound to Travel for Hundreds of Miles
Press reported on the channel SOFAR a level of the ocean that allows whale calls to travel hundreds of miles, and lets a recording station in California record an underwater earthquake in Hawaii. 

World Whale Day Celebrated Around the World 
On February 14th -World Whale Day celebrations and events took place through the globe driven by Ocean focus entities. World Whale Day began in 35 years ago in Maui, Hawaii to honor humpback whales, which migrate through the waters off the islands during the winter.

Aaron Hadlow Steals Red Bull King of the Air 2015
Aaron Hadlow has conquered the Red Bull King of the Air 2015, at Cape Town's Big Bay. The unstable weather forecasts were not strong enough to detain the world's best air kiteboarders from showing how high they could fly in South Africa, in front of 17,000 fans.

New WSL Faces  and the Elite Surfing's New "Warrior"
World Surf League WSL reported on the “New Faces of 2015” young surf athletes rising from the 2014 Qualification Series. Wiggolly Dantas is one of five rookies on the 2015 Tour, earning a spot after placing fourth overall on 2014 Qualifying Series (QS). No stranger to CT competition, having competed at the 2012 Quiksilver Pro France and the 2014 Fiji Pro, Dantas has now earned the opportunity to surf in all 11 elite level events.