Divers Resurface 1715 Fleet Spanish Gold Treassure
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Image Source Queen´s Jewels One of the Subcontractor Divers and Coins Resurfaced from 1715 Charts |
A team of divers -subcontractors of Queen's Jewels discovered just below 5 meters of crystal Florida US waters over one million dollars in gold...but it is not just any gold they brought back to surface. The gold in question was coined and sealed by Spain and cargoed by no other than the Legendary 1715 Spanish Fleet.
Cultura El Pais -newspaper of Spain reported on July 28 on the 300 Anniversary of the sinking of the 1715 Spanish Fleet….
”...the night of July 30 of 1715 a Fleet of Spain loaded with gold and silver sank near the waters of the coast of Florida US swallowed by the strong hurricanes which periodically hit the Caribbean. They were 11 ships which cargoed precious metals, as well as wood and tobacco to alleviate the exhausted Treasure of King Felipe V, first of the Bourbon dynasty, asphyxiated by the Succession War...” El Pais turned to poetic eloquence to commemorate the Anniversary of a historical event which they assured most have forgotten...
...But the 1715 Charts were not forgotten...at least not by everyone. The Company Queen's Jewels LLC has spent years studying ancient logs, endless hours at libraries and taken to on ground locations to map out Florida and Caribbean waters in search of the lost 1715 Fleet.
The company had been making valuable historical findings but it was not until one month prior to the 300 Anniversary this year that they literally hit gold.
On July 30 the day of the Anniversary, Divers working as subcontractors of the company Queen's Jewels made public their discovery. International press jumped all over the news which spread fast throughout the globe.
“The treasure was actually found a month ago,” said Brent Brisben of 1715 Fleet, Queens Jewels LLC. Keeping the news under wraps was “particularly hard for the family that found it. They’ve been beside themselves.”
Divers explained that they found gold coins diving just 4.5 meters below surface waters. Historical logs assured that the 1715 Spanish Fleet went down near sand banks and corals. These areas are known for their shallow waters influenced by tides and being specially dangerous for sailors in times of strong storms.
Florida Today reported that the divers known as the “Schmitt family” had a million-dollar secret on their hands. Queens Jewels from their Facebook page had been signaling to a major finding for weeks.
“It was 300 years ago today that the 1715 Fleet set sail from Havana, Cuba towards its date with history. The calm waters off Cuba that day were a stark contrast to what they would find along our shores just 7 days later,” the company recognized the historical importance of the finding and honored the sailors onboard what they described as one of the ”worst maritime disasters of history”.
Queens Jewels explains that the finding is not just the conclusion of a 300 year hunt but the end of a modern savage enterprise which started in the 1950s.
“Modern salvage of the 1715 Fleet began in the late 1950s when a building contractor from Miamisburg Ohio, Kip Wagner found a piece of eight (Coded Spanish Dollar) on the beach after a hurricane and decided to find out where it came from. After this incredible find he realized that just beyond the breaking waves could lay one of the long forgotten treasure ships of 1715,” the company explained.
The search for historical elements of the 1715 Fleet of Spain, the full chart of the Fleet of Spain along with the words which would fill in the blank pages of the history books continued through the 60s and the 70s.
The 1715 Charts and its hidden treasures became substance of legends and stories of sailors and Caribbean divers for decades. In 2010 the legend once again became true with the finding of the Relic known as “The Bird” by Captain Bonnie Schubert. On the same year the Company Queens Jewels LLC was founded by William Brisben and Brent Brisben. Five years later one million in gold sees surface sun once again after being soaked in ocean waters for 300 years.
“We currently operate the largest permitted salvage operation in Florida waters. Our goal is to bring the amazing story of the 1715 fleet to the public. We hope the recovery of these incredibly rare artifacts will help educate people about Spanish colonization of the new World and life on the high seas in 1715,” the Company responsible for a piece of history assures.
The 1715 Spanish Fleet is linked to the “Indian Route” or “Spanish Treasure Fleet Route” -navigating mechanism installed during the savage colonization of America. The Fleet is also linked to King's Ascents and Falls, Wars, ancient piracy and other historical events.
While press valued the treasure in 1 million USD -900 thousand Euros, Marine Archaeologists and experts urge for historical value estimations considerations which they believe far exceed that of any monetary estimation made. The waters in which the treasure was found may be shallow waters but the finding is profound, its implication abysmal.
The Government of Spain -through its Embassies and the Government of the US installed dialogue on the issue. A significant percentage of the Treasure is expected to be showcased in exhibition according to law.
Queen Jewels revealed that only six of the 11 ships of 1715 Fleet of Spain were found and identified. The company also says that the bottom of the ocean still hides five ships and its precious cargo. The pages of histrory assure that total tressure logged in cargo exceeds the one found by a sixth fold so naturally the search continues in the 1715 Charts.