Ocean Life News in Brief: August-15-2015

New Study Says Ocean Levels Could Rise Faster than Expected 
A new study which analyzed historical climate change data of Earth signals to the possibility of a near future where ocean levels rise faster than expected. The study drafted by top US scientists urged for carbon emissions deceleration. The Former Scientific Head of NASA Goddard Institute James Hansen and 16 other researchers spoke about a 2 Celsius Degree Global Warming which could have devastating consequences. 

NOAA Top Best Photo Ocean Picks on Media Open Ocean Library Access
The Atlantic released a special selection of images from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA. The images are but the tip of the iceberg of NOAA's “amassed and sizable library of photographs of our natural world” available online for free. 

Space Views of Ocean Dynamic and Bahamian Sediment Mobility Focus
NASA -Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio released a series of maps which reveal world ocean dynamics. Local media reported on Bahamas space imagery which revealed turbulence in the sublayers of waters and sediment mobility.

Underwater Massive Waves Studied by Miami University
The University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science released a new research which tracked massive waves which travel below the ocean surface. The scientific research team spent seven years tracking the movements of massive underwater swells in the South China Sea. Scientists are trying to understand how these waves, develop, move and dissipate underwater.

CSIC Published "Exhaustive Revision" of Impact of Invading Species 
CSIC - the Spanish National Research Council addressed consequences for the introduction of invasive species in aquatic media. Important changes unchained throughout the food webs causing a reduction in diversity abundance are among the consequence which the study revealed. Led and conducted by researchers of the Biological Station of Doñana of CSIC scientists assure the paper is "the most exhaustive revision" performed to the day on the impact of invading species in aquatic environments. The work was published by Global Change Biology Magazine. 

Study Reveals Influence of Ocean Dynamic in Australian Penguin Reproduction 
An International Study led by CSIC Spain has discovered the influence of the dynamics of marine currents in the reproduction of the Australian Penguin Eudyptula minor. The work was conducted in collaboration with the Natural Park of Phillip Island Australia and published in the Magazine Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 

WSL Vans US Open of Surfing Qualification Series Wraps with New Riders Emerging 
WSL -World Surf League reported on the Vans US Open of Surfing where new riders emerged from the Qualification Series. “The trials for the 2015 Vans US Open of Surfing's Qualifying Series contest wrapped at Huntington Beach with Kalani David and Miguel Tudela emerging victorious,” WSL reported. 
Nautilus 2015 Expedition Breaks through with New Bioluminescence Tools 
The Nautilus 2015 expedition addressed bioluminescence observations registered at the Galapagos Expedition. Using new tools -ROVs, low light cameras and flash emissions the team was able to document unseen behaviours of species such the Tomopterid polychaete worm. 

Gales Winds Impact Sailors of Transatlantic Race 2015 
Sailing Press reported on the Transatlantic Race 2015 -organized by the New York Yacht Club, the Storm Trysail Club, the Royal Yacht Squadron and Royal Ocean Racing Club. Sailors were hit by strong Gales winds during the half race. Several race boats reported damages. 

Sailing Scuttlebutt Sets it Eye on the Extreme Sailing Hamburg 2015 Stop 
Sailing Scuttlebutt released a series of images for the Hamburg Germany Stop of the Extreme Sailing Series 2015. “The Extreme Sailing Series is in its ninth season, with this year’s eight event tour travelling through Asia, Europe, and Australia. The platform used is the one design Extreme 40 catamaran, with the format highlighting ‘stadium’ short-course racing in front of the public,” the media reported. 

New Study Takes on Plankton Role in Cloud Generation 
A new research published at the Journal of Science Advances assures that the plankton of the Southern Ocean plays a significant role in the formation brighter clouds. The study utilized NASA Satellite Data and ocean biology models as well as models and data to reach conclusions. Plankton on the drift, gas generation and organic matter were included and considered by the study. 

Tropical Storm Felicia Moved Towards Cyclone Strength 
Late July the National Service of Meteorology of Mexico informed that the Tropical Storm Felicia was formed in the Pacific Ocean. Authorities monitored the storm as it moved and gained strength to become a cyclone. 

New Horizons Mission to Pluto Signals to Ice and Ocean 
New Horizons NASA Mission to Pluto is revealing new images which signal to possible ice and ocean basins below the distant planet's surface.