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Ocean Life News in Brief: June-3-2014

Google SEA SURVEY Promises Delivery of Ocean Depths Views
Google Sea Survey promises the ocean depths accessible to all through online-real-live computer access. Sea Survey has initiated the scan of the Great Coral Barrier for millions to access it through its main frame. 

OCEANA Giant Foram Ranks the SUNY Top Ten Species Discovered
Yearly listing of the 10 top most interested species discovered every year published by the State University of New York IISE SUNY highlighted the giant foraminifera discovered on Murcia Cabo de Palos by OCEANA. The specie was named Spiculosiphon oceana.

Drone Video Goes Viral Revealing Dolphin and Whale Migration
Video footage shot by the drone of Captain Dave Andereson Dolphin and Whale Safari company based in Dana Point California goes viral revealing pack of dolphin and grey whales emigrating from coast of San Clemente and Maui footage.

Shark Graveyard Discovered in the Depths of Atlantic Ocean
Group of scientist of the University of Plymouth US published the discovery of shark graveyard located at a depth of 1.2 thousand meters. The graveyard occupies an area of one square kilometers.

Hurricane Amanda Category IV Moves through Pacific Ocean
Mexico National Meteorological Service informed that Hurricane Amanda maintains its category IV and moves North-Northeast above the warn waters of the Pacific Ocean.

Project AWARE Highlights PLANETA OCEANO Peru Organization
Project AWARE highlighted the Peruvian non-profit organization PLANETA OCEANO for its conservation and marine environmental work. The organization was listed by FORBES “30 under 30 Social Entrepreneur” list and recognized by WWWF International President’s Award.

Experts Warn on Massive Tsunami Generated by Asteroid Fall
A group of Russian Scientists warned that the fall of an asteroid of dimensions between 100 to 200 meters impacting the waters of the ocean would be capable of kick-starting a tsunami with waves of up to 500 meters of height.

Nicaragua Takes Precaution due to High Tides and Surf in Pacific South
Nicaragua´s Institute of Territorial Studies INETER urged ocean and coast sector to take precautions in face of the possibilities of strong swells, surf and high tides in the Pacific South.

Russian Legendary Explorer Row-Boats Across the Pacific Ocean in Row-Boat
Russian explorer Fiódor Kóniujov managed to cross the entire Pacific Ocean in a simple row-boat. At the age of 62 the adventurer succeeds in his latest odyssey.

Chile Eyes Coast for Clean Energy -5% of Wave Power Enough for Entire Grid
Chile has set its eye on 4.27 thousand kilometers of coastal territory to increase clean energy from raw wave power. 5% of the wave energy would suffice for the entire National Grid demands.

Colombia Announced Largest Liberation of Sea Turtles
The University of Bogota Capital of Colombia announced the larges liberation of sea turtles to the date. A total of 200 juveniles of Caretta caretta will be released under the Conservation Project.

Free-Divers Santa Maria in Carribean World Cup 2014 Honduras Roatan

Free Divers Eusebio and Christina Sáenz de Santamaría report from Roatan Island Honduras on the day to day of the Caribbean World Cup Free Divers 2014. Both divers continue to promote the sport and the wonders of documenting through photography oceanic scenes inaccessible to most.

Java Surf Spots Continue to be a Mystery
The unknown destination of the top hidden Java Surf Spots continue to elude the online media.

Palau Island Inner Ocean Lake Homes 10 Million Medusas
Free-Diver discovered medusa packed spot in the Pacific Ocean inner lake of Palau Island. A total of 10 million medusas are reported to be living in the Ongeim`l Tketau a closed innter lake.

Earthquake 6.2 Scale Hits Pacific Ocean near Jalisco Mexico Coast
The US Geological Service informed that a 6.2 earthquake impacted the Pacific Ocean near the coast of Mexico –Jalisco. No victims, damages nor tsunami alerts follow.

Regatta OCEAN MASTERS NY-Barcelona Attracts UNESCO-FNOB Investigation
The Oceanographic Inter-Governmental Commission of the UNESCO –COI and the Oceanic Navigation Foundation of Barcelona FNOB committed to ocean investigation in views of the Trans-Atlantic Regatta IMOCA OCEAN MASTERS NY-Barcelona Race set for start June 1st.

“Origin of Life could be in Ocean Depths,” New NASA Study Assures
A new study of researchers of the JET PROPULSION LABORATORY JLP of NASA Astrobiology Institute revealed that electric energy produced naturally in the depths of the ocean could have originated life on Earth 4 billion years ago. The study which includes decades of field, investigation and laboratory work argues further into the Theory of Hydrothermal Submarine Life.

Cousteau Granddaughter Says Oceans can be Saved and World can be Fed
OCEANA Adviser and Granddaughter of Jacques Cousteau, Alexandra Cousteau, addressed in Forums of Spain how oceans can be saved and the world population fed.

Atlantic 2014 Surf Outlook Dominated by El Niño
Surf-forecasters assured that the surf outlook for the Atlantic Ocean for 2014 will be dominated by El Niño.

“El Niño is Imminent,” Ecuador, Peru and Colombia Agree
The Regional Platform for Risk Disaster Reduction of the Americas attended by representatives of Ecuador, Peru and Colombia in Guayaquil Ecuador assured that El Niño is imminent.