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European Team Challenges America´s Cup to Fly over Water

Image Source and Courtesy ORACLE Team- holder of the 35th America´s Cup and on for 2017 Regatta.

With three years to go to the America´s Cup international teams that still stand committed push for realization of the event. The race is affected by diverse issues which range from withdrawal of teams, final location venue and most interestingly reversing the boat design engineering. 

America´s Cup once again is adapting to take its final shape. The vision of what will come in three years time is blinded despite the 2013 America Cup counted with millions of live viewers. Considered by the some as the third most sporting event of economic impact for the country after the Olympics and the World Cup the regatta has been taking place since 1851. Since then the boats racing have been evolving. Today Catamarans which take part in the competition do not actually sail...but fly.

Reuters reported on July 25th that European challengers have committed to the 2017 America's Cup. Four European teams promised on Friday to compete, ensuring the event would be viable after official challenger Team Australia pulled out due to rising costs.

Joining the commitment rivals from Italy, Sweden, Britain and France reassured they will cooperate with ORACLE Team USA. ORACLE TEAM USA holds the 2013 cup after taking over the 35th Edition of the Regatta. The 2013 America´s Cup was described as “sporting and commercial success”. Recently ORACLE Team and EMIRATES TEAM NZ showed off their fouling mastering when flying over the waters of New Zealand.

Sail World reported that ORACLE TEAM and EMIRATES NZ TEAM designers revealed the AC72 secrets in New Zealand. Designers and engineers Andy Kensington from Team NZ and Neil Wilkinson from Oracle, both graduates from New Zealand universities -involved in America's Cup teams for 13 and 23 years respectively attracted packed houses in the country as they unfolded the secrets of flying over water.

The AC72 –class 72 Catamaran is recently born, defined by ACRM for construction in 2010 specifically for the competition of the America´s Cup 2013 and the LOUIS VUITTON CUP 2013. The design -while revolution is extremely expensive, hard to master and allows for the elevation of the entire hull from surface waters. Stability and speed can spell danger.

2017 America´s Cup will not be sailed in the AC72 but in a smaller version of the new AC62 catamaran which operates under the command of eight crew members –a reduced cut of three as compared to 2013.
"AC62 will again be incredibly exciting to watch, both on and off the water, all the ingredients you need for a great sporting event," said Ainslie, who is aiming to raise 80 million pounds ($135 million) to fund his team.

Besides the Europeans, New Zealand have said they will challenge again, though a lack of clarity on the venue had been putting potential sponsors off committing to back the venture. Planning for the 2017 Cup was thrown into turmoil last week when the Australians, the Challenger of Record, withdrew from the event. 

"The teams Luna Rossa Challenge, Artemis Racing, Ben Ainslie Racing and Team France – jointly with the yacht clubs they represent – confirm their full support to the event, regardless of the host venue that will be selected," they said in a joint statement Reuters reported.