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Ocean Life News in Brief: August-15-2014

Project Rippling Images Scans the Ocean
Artist Nathaniel Stern took to diving with a desktop scanner to capture the ocean under his project “Rippling Images“.

National Geographic Explores Sailing History in Nayarit Biosphere
National Geographic reported on the sailing activities of Joaquín Bargalló in the Rivera Marine Reserve Nayarit and the historical issues of sailing.

“Dive in the Ocean” Event Reaches Beach Compostela-Portugal
“Dive in the Ocean” an event organized to create awareness on marine science and technology reached the beach of Compostela- Portugal.

ANDRILL Discovers and Names New Anemone in Antarctic Ice
Expedition of the ANDRILL Program Antarctic of Geological Drilling discovered and name a new species of marine anemone the Edwardsiella andrillae. Specie lives in inverse stratus ice conditions

Thunder-Lighting Strike Ocean Events Require Study
Thunder and lightning strike events in the ocean are unknown and could hold secrets of value to mankind. NOAA assures that average lightning can generate discharges of 300 million volts.

Common Carp Fish Cells Could Benefit Health Sector and Disease Treatment
A study of Mexican University researcher has discovered that the common carp fish cells could be key for the health sector and disease treatments.

New Corals Discovered in North Atlantic Mounts
Team of UK scientists operating ROV managed to take underwater footage of three submarine mounts in the North Atlantic UK region. Mountains elevate from the ocean depths but to don’t break surface waters. The environment homes new coral life forms.

New Anoxic Zone Discovered in Gulf of Mexico
EPA and NOAA discovered an anoxic water zone expanding over 13.08 square kilometers in the Gulf of Mexico.

“Ocean Level of Mercury Triples,” New Study Says
According to a new study published in Nature Magazine levels of Mercury in the oceans have tripled due to human impact.

Namib Desert-Ocean Environment
The environment of Namib where the desert meets the ocean is being highlighted by press for being a unique environment.

National Geographic to Premier new 3D James Cameron Film
James Caron new documentary DEEPSEA CHALLENGE filmed in 3D will be premiered in National Geographic cannel.

Chile Curico Fishermen Report Medusas on Beaches
Fishermen of Chile coast of Curico reported beaches filled with medusas. Specie reported to have similarities to Portuguese medusas.

Maldives Underwater Hotels Hides out in 1.2 Thousand Paradise Islands
Tourism Press report on Maldives underwater hotel complex options. Maldives territory spans over 1.2 thousand islands an underwater hotel is hiding out in the island paradise.