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Secret Surf Spots...Somewhere Out there in the Unknown...

JS Callahan SurfEXPLORE. Image Courtesy and Source.

Since surf is surf surfers travel around the world digging into foreign lands, strange cultures and new coasts to meet rising swells in the international basins. Secret surf spots are well-kept secret by those who find them for a reason; however, the team of Surf Explore is blasting social media revealing their "Secret Surf Spot Files".

On October 5th the Association of Surfing Professionals ASP uploaded on their site photographs of Surf Explore Secret Surf Spot Files. Location for the mysterious images was not revealed and simply tagged as “somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean”....”somewhere in the Pacific Ocean”....and “somewhere in the Caribbean Ocean”…

Surfing secret spots has up and downs. The downturn of secret spots surfing is also the bright side of it. Usually out there one is alone, no services, no security, no aid, no medical emergency services, a virgin land. 

The upturns are evident. Where the waves break perfect and no one walks the sands, sun and ocean, where there are no scores, nor competitions, no ego…where the world is as it is…where all there is the drift.

In these spots the Team of Surf Explore has geared up their experience. They seem to know exactly what they are doing. Surf Explore describes themselves as a collective of surfers, photographers, writers, activists, artists and cinematographers that travel the world in search of new and unsurfed waves. 

"Our team has researched, produced and photographed projects to find new waves in more than 40 locations and have already completed 30 successful Surf Explore projects including Algeria, Western Sahara, Liberia, Ghana, Angola, Japan, China and Haiti," the ambitious young team assures. 

Using social media platforms and linking with international news channels the team gives secret surf spots an entire new dimension. Their latest venture took surfers to Sierra Leona to meet local waves. 

"We are global: Surf Explore presents an unparalleled opportunity for media exposure across multiple platforms including print, digital and social media. We maintain contributor relationships with more than 50 surf and travel publications and websites worldwide…and have access to over 3 million followers through our social media network,” the group assures.

The Team grouped by John Seaton Callahan, Sam Bleakley. Emiliano Cataldi, Erwan Simon and Guest Surfers also works their own environmental campaigns. 

"We participate in projects via local NGO’s or other recognized organizations. For example, in Haiti we joined a project to plant mango trees along hillsides previously stripped for charcoal. Sustaining charcoal use by replacing tree for tree is essential in reducing erosion and subsequent damage risk to coral in the sea nearby," the Team explains their onground methods.

Perhaps with the coming of new technologies secret surf spots are losing the one thing that made them unique -to be exactly that a secret spot, location unknown, but in this social media driven process as they become widely exposed online in mystical, raw and naked new ways secret surf spots may be gaining something new...what exactly they are gaining is still to be revealed. One thing is certain the search for the best waves and spots to surf will never end. Driven by an unspeakable passion somewhere out there in the unknown oceans surfers keep on their spiritual quest for the next secret spot.