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Ocean Life News in Brief: February-01-2015

North Carolina Scientists Publish Marine Anatomy Report Setting new Ocean Giant Ranking
Scientists of the US North Carolina National Evolutionary Synthesis Center published a new report on ocean giants. The report released in Magazine PeerJ reveals anatomy dimensions of marine creatures. Lion Head Medusa ranks the world ocean largest marine creature. 

Seasteading Institute Ocean Engineering Breaking Frontiers
The Seasteading Institute is working on the engineering blueprints for the construction of massive floating structures. “We want to create the Silicon Valley of the Ocean,” Joe Quirk of the Seasteading Institute signaled to the direction of of the ocean project.

Magazine Nature Releases Innovative Method to Measure Coral Recovery 
Magazine Nature published a new report which presents a new and innovative method which allows for the quantification of coral reef´s capacity to withstand and recover from damages caused by climate change impacts.

Marine Biologist Sylvia Earle Meets with President of Chile
Notorious Sylvia Earle Marine Biologist visited Chile and met with the President Michelle Bachelet. The Scientist addressed historical damages and impacts which have affected the ocean focusing in the past 50 years. Chile -country leading diverse ocean sectors and homing rich and ranged ocean environments received the marine biologist with top honors..

Rare “Out of Season” Cyclone Formation Generated in Indic Ocean 
International press reported that a powerful cyclone is gaining momentum in the Indian Ocean. The cyclone was ranked Category 4 representing no direct threat to land but scientists warned that cyclone system formation as the manifested is “rare for the time of the year”. Further investigations were urged. 

Volcanic Activity Creates New Island in Tonga Archipelago Island 176 
South Pacific Tonga saw the creation of a new island due to volcanic activity. The small island number 176 of the archipelago was molded by the Volcano Hunga Ha’apai and was last reported to span 1 kilometer in width and 2 kilometers long. Last height reported was of 100 meters. Volcanic islands are to be considered dynamic geological areas in constant change.

Chile Ocean Producers Utilize Web to Reveal Submerged Worlds 
A new series of the producers of the Documentary Ocean was premiered in Coquimbo Chile through the free video online platform Vimeo. The director of the serie Carlos Cortes -leading a group of marine biologists and professionals in the area of audiovisual communication explained that the series will explore and reveal “Chile Submerged Worlds and Historical Wrecks”. 

Mexico Declares 2015 Pacific Ocean Tuna Capture Season Open 
Mexico CONAPESCA National Commission of Aquaculture and Fishery informed on January 19th 2015 that the Tuna Capture Season for the Pacific Ocean Waters was officially open. Season ends November 2015.

Pacific Ocean Indonesia on Tsunami Alert 
International press reported that a seismic activity of 7.3 registered in the Pacific Ocean generated a tsunami alert for countries including Indonesia, Filipinas, Islas Salomón, Papúa Nueva Guinea and Japan.

New York Subways Dumped in Numbers into Atlantic Ocean to Create Artificial Reefs
Photographer Stephen Mallon has been documenting for the past three years images of New York Subway cars being dumped into the Atlantic ocean in an environmental effort to create artificial reef habitats for fostering sea life. Reefs provide protection from surges, storms, high tides and other related events. 

New Sulfate-breathers Discovered in Uncharted One Third of Earth's Environment 
The University of Southern California released a new report which addressed the investigation which concluded with the discovery of new species which breathe and bio-chemically synthesis sulfate for vital life energy processes. The species dwell in an environment which belongs to the wider one third of the uncharted Earth´s environment. The microbes, have yet to be classified and named and exist in massive undersea aquifers -- networks of channels in porous rock beneath the ocean where water continually churns.

Spain Professional Athletes Behind the Command of MAPFRE Position Volvo 
MAPFRE of Spain is sailing out the Volvo Ocean Race as teams move through Malacca known for intense maritime international traffic. “We will not let our position escape,” Fernandez of MAPFRE Team hoisted.