Ocean Life News in Brief May 15-2017
UK Doctors Rowing Indian Ocean to Raise Funds for Charity
Two British Doctors swimming for charity 3.7 thousand miles across the Indian Ocean. Doctors Ted Welman and Jack Faulkner aim to raise 100 thousand pounds in funds for charity by breaking a 85 day record.
International Science Team Reports Shocking Gas Absorption Rates in Arctic Ocean
On May 8 USGS communicated that US, Norwegian, and German scientists reported back on the surprising results of an Arctic Ocean research expedition. Scientists communicate that the Arctic Ocean absorbed 2 thousand more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere than the amount of methane that escaped into the atmosphere from the same waters.
TARA Leaves Japan After Engaging 2 Months with the Coasts
On April 24 TARA Expedition reported that after conducting studies along the coasts of Japan for the past two months they were finally ready to move with their Pacific Ocean Expedition. TARA reported advances and achievements made in Japanese Waters.
Dutch Group Says Ocean Clean Up Will Start Two Years Ahead of Schedule
Japan Times reported on May 12 that the Dutch Foundation will begin works in the Pacific Garbage Patch in the next 12 months. Two years ahead planning the Ocean Cleanup project is receiving mixed reviews in the international press.
GEOMAR Conducts Acidification Study in Kiel Fjord with Blue Mussels
GEOMAR reported on April 27 on studies conducted in the Kiel Fjord -training pool for blue mussels. “Blue mussels are able to adapt to ocean acidification through evolution. In a common garden experiment, specimens from the Kiel Fjord were less sensitive to increased carbon dioxide concentrations than their relatives from the North Sea,” GEMORA -Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Alfred Wegener Institute reported.
Scan and Serve CI App Working in Brazil Tracking Seafood from Ocean to Plate
Conservation International reported on May 10 that the new Brazilian tech tool “Fishing+Sustainability” is working. The smartphone friendly app allows restaurants and clients to trace seafood from the ocean to the plate.
AWI Says Irreversible Ocean Warming Threatens the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf
On May 11 AWI reported that irreversible ocean warming is impacting the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf. The Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
AWI climate researchers have deciphered the processes driving an irreversible inflow of warm water under the ice shelf, which could begin within the next few decades.
New Report Says Plankton and Bacteria Shape Ocean Spray
Science Daily reported on May 11 on a new study which focused on ocean spray and how plankton and bacteria are involved. Researchers analyzed sea spray and found that the atmospheric-changing properties of the bubbles are influenced by phytoplankton and bacteria in the water.
Extreme Sailing Series Qingdao Stop 2 Thrills Fans
On May 12 International Sailing press reported on the second event of the 2017 Extreme Sailing Series. Four thrilling days in China’s Olympic sailing city saw seven international teams of the World’s best sailors fight tooth-and-nail to become the champion of the Stop 2 Qingdao “Mazarin” Cup. Swiss team Alinghi took the Cup.
Race for Water Kiting Across the Atlantic Ocean
Scuttlebutt Sailing News reported on May 12 on the expedition of Race for Water. The team of Race for Water is kiting across the Atlantic Ocean and are now in the midst of it.
Free Rider Project Film Stages Caribbean Kite Heave
Crew filming #Freeriderproject 3 is out in the Caribbean ocean working hard in paradise. “The Caribbean has some incredible places to explore, thousands of islands graced with trade winds in the right season,” crew members said.
Scientist's Journey into Unknown Ocean Depths off Southern Coast of Australia
ABC Australia reported on May 12 on the expedition of the Vessel, The Investigator. Twenty-seven scientists from seven countries and 13 support crew will sample the depths of the ocean for 31 days. The team assures that they will shed light to ocean mysteries.